Mutual Comparison Between SBI Focused Equity Fund & Axis Focused 25

What are you buying when you invest 1 Lac in the SBI Focused Equity Fund? What are you buying when you invest 1 Lac in Axis Focused 25? Every mutual fund manager has just few stocks to choose from. Therefore, most Mutual Fund houses will have similar stocks. The below ones are the common stocks. […]

Mutual Fund’s Industry

What will be the future of MF’s industry? Specifically, what will be the future of actively managed MF’s? MONEYDHAN INVESTMENT ADVISORY As SEBI registered investment advisors, we at cannot make you exit or Invest without proper due diligence. India is at the lowest among countries as MF assets wrt to GDP (2019 data) So as […]

How is Mirae asset emerging bluechip fund for long-term investment?

Mirae Bluechip fund invests in following sectors. Banks, Pharma and IT sector consumes 40% of your invested capital. Performance of the MF depends on these 3 sectors. Where Is the money invested? What is the cost for 1 lac, by availing service of this Mutual Fund? Even if the name is bluechip, this MF is […]